Download the 1xBet App for Android
to enter a whole other universe of betting.

From the convenience of your mobile device, use state-of- the-art in-play betting features, follow the action with real-time score updates, and savor the thrills of live broadcasts.
100% BONUS AND +150 FS!

Get 1xBet’s APK for Android:

Install it simply using the QR code reader on your phone.

QR code to install APP 1xBet in Ethiopia
Scan to install APP Android

or download the APP Android manually by this link

Application installation methods:

  1. Launch the 1xBet mobile website.
  2. Then decide on “Mobile App.”
  3. Please choose the Android version.
  4. Wait a minute while your phone downloads the app.
  5. Start the app on 1xBet.